Thursday I will be 7 months and starting the 3rd and final Trimester!!! Time has seriously flown by, but yet has taken soooo long to get here! I’m sooo excited! This Friday we go for our 28week ultrasound and hopefully this will be the last. They are doing one to check growth and fluids, etc. I’m excited to see what our baby will look like from the last ultrasound at 18 weeks to now! I’m soooo excited to meet our son, it’s so insane to think I will be a mom in less than 3 months!!! Breckin is so spoiled already and I love it! haha. I’ve been trying to get things in order with the house as a whole and also his bedroom! We got the crib and I, with my handy wood working skills, put it together! If I may say so myself, it’s turned out quite adorable!
We have gotten a lot of stuff from Katrina and Brinley and I’m soooo thankful for all of it! I can’t wait!!! The baby shower is set for September 18th and my mom was awesome enough to put everything together! I think I’m more excited to see everyone than the actual shower! Haha. I’m also super stoked for the baby cake Shellie is making us! She does an AMAZING job at cakes (she’s the one who made our wedding cake and a few of Brin’s bday cakes!)

Anyhow, I have been able to head to Show Low a few weekends in a row now and I have been LOVING it! Dustin hasn’t been able to come for one reason or another, but I’m glad I get to spend some time with the family before I can’t travel anymore. Dustin has been working SOOO much. I am proud of the man, father, provider he has become and appreciate all his VERY hard work! He put in over 100 hours in one paycheck not too long ago! This week looks like it will be another one of those weeks. He went to work at 6am yesterday and didn’t get off til almost 10pm! Nice for the paycheck, but stinks when you have to get up at the same time the next day and do it all again. He does love his job, which is always a plus (hopefully he still loves it)! haha.
Our home is coming along nicely! Dustin has been working hard on the grass patch (small) in the back yard! It’s green! Yay! Uncle Matt was nice enough to notice a smokin’ deal on some outdoor pots so we picked up three of those…just need to fill them! My mom was kind enough to make some valances for the house now I just need to put them up! I’m also waiting on some custom picture frames from “You’ve Been Framed” (my dad’s shop)….to hang on our GINORMOUS wall! I have some painting to do as well. I want to get all this done before the baby shower, so wish me luck! The biggest part will be the painting…our house has VERY tall ceilings so my mom said she will help as much as she can. Right now the house has about 3-4 different brown colors on the walls…I want everything one color….a neutral color. NO FLAT PAINT EITHER! Why do people do that? Lol.
Well, I will stop boring you guys and get back to work! Just found out we are having Thanksgiving at our house this year and family from California will be joining us!!! Sooo excited!!!
I’ll post pictures from the ultrasound on Friday!!!!