Friday, April 16, 2010

Ultrasound #2...3 months!!!!

Hello everyone!!!  Well today was a VERY big day for us!  I've been stressing out, which I know I shouldn't be....about the Ultra Screen.  This test is done during 12-14 weeks to test for Trisomy 21, 18, 16 and some cardiac defects.  While we don't fit the risks for Down's Syndrome, it's still scary!  Dustin wasn't able to join me, which made it even more hard since I had to go ALONE!  But everything went well!  I'm 12 weeks and 1 day today and just waiting to see a belly pop out there!  It's exciting being pregnant, but not as exciting when you feel fat but can't prove you actually are pregnant by looking at me! hahah.  Our baby is about 2 inches long right now, about the size of your thumb!  This little one was bouncing around like crazy in there and VERY cooperative for the ultrasound tech!  I scored a 1 out of 10,000 chance of having a baby with the above mentioned anomalies, so of course this makes me very happy!  I have attached some pictures of the little one!!!